Function Of Central Processing Unit

This is actually the brain cum heart of the computer. Data is processed here. It takes information from the input unit and processes it according to instructions. The instructions are given by programs. Programs are written in the languages which computer can understand. These are actually coded languages. By data processing we mean:

  • Making arithmetic calculations like addition subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation etc.
  • Making logical decisions like comparing two values to find out which one is greater.
  • Manipulating alphabetic or alphanumeric data like word processing, letter writing, shorting in alphabetic or alphanumeric orders, editing, making catalogues etc.
  • Converting data of one form into another. Communicating data to far off distances.
  • Storing the data temporarily and retrieving it as and when required.

Basically the CPU does everything in binary language i.e. with help of 0 and 1.
Central Processing Units has 3 component parts :

  1. A.L.U.

  2. Control Unit

  3. Storage unit